Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Caspian: An Addendum

While people may take issues with discrepancies in the book and the movie, I believe that the filmmakers got it right on two very, very important points: Edmund and Lucy. In the books the Pevensies are faced with the question of how to live in light of their relationship to Aslan, and in no-one is this more clear than in Edmund and Lucy. Edmund is shown not only to be kingly, but he is shown as a changed person, quite conscious of his redemption by Aslan. His clarity of thought sets the stage for his role in Dawn Treader, and the scene in which he believes that Lucy truly saw Aslan is poignant. Lucy herself is more or less the main character in the first three books as she is the one who is always listening for Aslan, the one who simply wants to be with Him with her hands in his mane. Her child-like faith is no cliche. Also, the kids who played them did an excellent job as portraying children who had lived adult lives as royalty.


James M. Harrison said...

matt- absolutely.

one other thing they got right-

the part when Lucy finally meets Aslan, and tries to explain why the others didn't believe her. he says something to her about how that shouldn't have kept her from coming anyway.

James M. Harrison said...

just me- but I thought it was incredible. my friends hated it.

you need to go and check you're intellect at the door. it's a return to the old school way of adventure movies- with some modern special effects.

it has it's moments where you just want to look the other way- but those are easily outweighed by the rest of the movie.

let it take you for a ride, man! it's INDIANA JONES!